1525 - Incorrect DATETIME value: '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
select count(jjc.job_id) as x1 from jobs as j left outer join recruiter_login as rl on (j.recruiter_id=rl.recruiter_id) left outer join recruiter as r on (r.recruiter_id=rl.recruiter_id) left join jobs_job_category as jjc on(jjc.job_id=j.job_id) where j.recruiter_id=rl.recruiter_id and rl.recruiter_id=r.recruiter_id and rl.recruiter_status='Yes' and j.expired >='2024-10-04 07:53:57' and j.re_adv <='2024-10-04 07:53:57' and j.job_status='Yes' and ( j.deleted is NULL or j.deleted='0000-00-00 00:00:00') and jjc.job_category_id='21'