1525 - Incorrect DATETIME value: '0000-00-00 00:00:00'

select j.job_id, j.job_company_name, j.job_company_logo, r.recruiter_agency, j.job_title,j.re_adv,concat(case when j.job_location='' then '' else concat(j.job_location,', ') end, if(j.job_state_id,z.zone_name,j.job_state)) as location from jobs as j left outer join recruiter_login as rl on (j.recruiter_id=rl.recruiter_id) left outer join recruiter as r on (rl.recruiter_id=r.recruiter_id ) left outer join zones as z on(j.job_state_id=z.zone_id or z.zone_id is NULL) where j.recruiter_id='7' and rl.recruiter_status='Yes' and j.expired >='2024-09-19 17:07:00' and j.re_adv <='2024-09-19 17:07:00' and j.job_status='Yes' and ( j.deleted is NULL or j.deleted='0000-00-00 00:00:00') ORDER BY j.re_adv desc limit 0,11